Delta I is a domain belonging to Greg Vays. The domain was registered to service the Delta I Defense Company. Greg is recieving of a consistency of political assaults ranging from simple verbal derisions to sound resonant photonal magnetic resonant borne tear/nerve gassings; and MRI shaping assaults of thought and look replacing derision. The US govt is in a state of myriad default. Life is unliveable. The defense company hosts protection services for those whom are targeted and subsequently by sub default at Spanish speaker assaults on women for purpose of rape conduit. The company is building truth discerning progress through a project entitled 'Truthcore' to support kill stop or relegation devices. is a computation basis location at servers on the web. Inquiry may be directed at
Excerpt from Greg's Pinboard:

2023 Nov 11 First Writing

Woke. This is being resisted with genetics damage and delta padding. A computer is used against slough pressure to predict my movements and quantally reference my life to create trivial death and android replacement. I am now being gassed to resist this writing. No less than 100 torture moves per move of mine are imbibed on a throwout port to create reality around me on human and light projected agency. I am at 99% percent genetic damage though considered the most attractive non-female. A trillion in liquid war is excercised daily in a dischordant war about me for female possesion and subsequent disposession service. Within seconds of waking I am gassed. Ten years now. I am immedimmediately antagonized to create photonal dispossesion through physical agony. Rape productions with millions resolution play through the day as tear gassing is delivered. All protective agency UN included is colluded on a trillion acts of justice obstruction. I am otherwise soft raped on myriad forms through the day. To eat I must pass mortality fights daily on food obstruction daily starvations now years old. I am tear gassed during mortal altercations. No one has approached me with inquiry much less a fair gesture of friendship in a decade. I am loud in the streets pushing off psychologically defaulted agency showing clear colusion. I am fight trained and am attempting to slow ethically required stops to irecoverability used to fuel computer drain. It tests my patience to bring fights to near death maim stops. The agitation creates throwout port to furtherly quantalize direct pre-moving around me via genetically low agency. Regular people are agency cleared around and a computer controlled ongoing assumes a replacement; or all of the US is operating on foriegn controlled agency - unclear. All dreams are photo-forced. Last nights being mostly of rape violence and disbeautifying topicality to genetic illness. I have a lineage to the King of Ruminia with quantal bloodline scores at 100 or highest. I was dispossessed to low line aspect of Moldova and abused through childhood on political service in the US to funnel rape toward the states. Ruminian rape comprises majority governance in this freakishly multiply-defaulted state. My renouncing of it is trivial and final. Subsequent states are causily defaulted and I am tortured for posession and on effort to protect self and Ruminian others. The default vectors a unified Spanish affront to assume rape credential. Irish war is concurrent and through the unified law system. Delta I is a preface to Ruminian response as consolidator for industrial kill action. Lower political action would be disethical.